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Learn the Facts about Focused True ShockWave & Radial Pressure Wave

Please click on the Link for my Live, In-Person Seminars and    see Demo of This Equipment in person.

Academy of Chiropractic Arts & Sciences


              As a clinician, a practicing               Sports Chiropractor, not a salesmen, 

I have personally used all of these   Focused Shockwave Machines and Radial Pressure Machines on this page.


Please feel free to contact me to discuss. I work directly with each manufacturer if interested in purchase 

Made in Switzerland  Logo_edited.jpg


Storz Duolith    Focused Shockwave  Electro-Magnetic fSW       Made in Switzerland

Storz has a long history & reputation for high quality products used in research & clinics

Shockwave Wave Pro Focused SW      Electro-Magnetic fSW       Caution  Made in Taiwan

Caution Cheaper is not better  - Lower quality materials  

There are many manufactures of Shockwave (SW) devices and some confusion on the science of these machines. I have personal experience using many types and brands of these SW machines on a variety of conditions at the Navy Sports Medicine clinic, so I can give you honest clinical opinion based on use of these devices in a busy military clinic.  I have personally used all the units pictured on this site, so I can give you honest feedback.  


At my monthly seminars of the Academy of Chiropractic Arts & Sciences (, we do monthly California Board Approved Chiropractic Continuing Education / CEU lectures in Southern California. I lecture on these various technologies, sharing my experiences of clinical use in the Navy Sports Medicine clinic and working along side Navy Sports Medicine Doctors, Medical Ultrasound Specialist and Pain Management Doctors. Attend one of my seminars before you buy to learn details on the science, research and clinical use and possibly demo some of the various types of shockwave machines so you can decide for yourself which is best for your clinic and budget.  Rather than buy from a non--clinical sales rep, contact me and I can assist in selecting the correct machine for your clinic.                


I can share my experiences and recommendations since I have personally treated patients with the following: true Focused Storz DuolithStemwave Modus-F, Softwave TRT, Shockwave Pro and various brands of Radial Pressure Wave from Storz D-Actor 100Zimmer, Oceansus and SW2500. 


The shockwave machines generate focused acoustic shockwaves that apply mechanical force and energy to living tissue. This amazing technology was specifically designed for efficient and effective use with a variety of orthopedic indications and is now available in the USA.  


True Shockwaves cause Mechanotransduction.  

These true shockwaves travel over 3350 MPH, directing high speed energy to the injured area. This energy causes injured cells to rapidly contract, then expand, releasing a variety of cell membrane compounds which then attract the body's natural (Mesenchymal Cells) growth factors and stem cells to migrate to the injured area generating natural tissue repair while rapidly reducing pain and inflammation. 


Please come to my live seminars for in-person demonstration of various brands of RPW and SW  machines. - Try before you buy.    For Seminar  Dates & Register at:   

Neither ReChargePulseWave nor any of its subsidiaries dispense medical advice. The contents of this website do not constitute medical, legal, or any other type of professional advice. Information related to various health, medical, and fitness conditions and their treatment is not meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by a physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health or fitness problem or disease. Rather, please consult your healthcare professional for information on the courses of treatment, if any, which may be appropriate for you. ReChargePulseWave  is an affiliate of StemWave. StemWave does not direct or control marketing efforts for  ReChargePulseWave . StemWave is not liable for any errors, omissions or mislabels

from  ReChargePulseWave . 

Disclaimer: I am a veteran of the US Marine Corps and US Army National Guard

This site, nor any of the products on the site are not endorsed nor promoted by any agency of the United States government, US DoD, US Military, USMC, US Navy.


SoftWave OrthoGold  Focused Shockwave 

 High Quality, Excellent Results,   Electro-Hydraulic  fSW                                                        Made in Germany



The Zimmer enPuls 2.0

Radial Pressure Wave    

   $$   Electro-Magnetic RPW   

High Quality Made in Germany

Made in Switzerland  Logo_edited.jpg


Storz -D-100 Radial Pressure Wave 

 Electro-Hydraulic RPW 


High Quality Made in Switzerland

Most Used RPW in the World, Storz has a long history & reputation for high quality products used in medical research & clinics around the world

Stemwave Modus-F  Electro-Hydraulic Shockwave
 German Design, Made in Turkey
Space Supernova

True Shockwaves travel over 3500 mph, causing injured cells to rapidly contract and expand, stimulating your body's own natural Stem Cells & other Growth Factors to assist in safe, Non-Invasive, Natural Healing. 

Model 2500 Radial Pressure Wave                                     Low Cost, Low Quality, Made in China

Oceanus RPW
Electro-Magnetic Radial Pressure Wave
Low Cost, Very Low Quality,
Caution: Made in China

SW 2500
Electro-Magnetic Radial Pressure Wave
Lowest Cost, Low Quality, 
Caution: Made in China


Please click on the Link for my Live, In-Person Seminars and    see Demo of This Equipment in person.

Academy of Chiropractic Arts & Sciences

© ReCharge PulseWave LLC. All rights reserved

Please click on the Link for my Live, In-Person Seminars and    see Demo of This Equipment in person.

Academy of Chiropractic Arts & Sciences

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